Tamashii Tibet

Bracelets 1 round

Original traditional Tibetan bracelet (Shamballa) made in Tibet with natural semi-precious and precious natural stones, blessed by Buddhist monks.

Each Tamashii® bracelet is characterized by the presence of a Calabash (pumpkin) and the engraved Tamashii® button.

The diameter of the stones that characterize this collection is 8mm or 6mm.

Bracelets 1 round


The word ‘Gzi’ (Dzi) in the Tibetan language may be translated as lustre, luminosity, clarity and splendour. The Gzi jewels are generally created with natural agate stones, and are crafted according to ancient techniques. They present symbols, images and patterns across their surface. The gems express ancestral and very powerful concepts. Tamashii® Gzi Nature jewels instil within us a sense of balance and harmony, and represent the natural dimension and the earth.

The word ‘Gzi’ (Dzi) in the Tibetan language may be translated as lustre, luminosity, clarity and splendour. The Gzi jewels are generally created with natural agate stones, and are crafted adopting ancient techniques. They present symbols, images and patterns across their surface. The gems express ancestral and very powerful concepts. Tamashii® Gzi Earth reflects a sense of humility, simplicity and rootedness, facilitating detachment from the conditioning of the external world.

The Deep Yellow Aobao gemstone is commonly referred to as ‘Yellow Opal’. The word ‘opal’ itself descends from the Sanskrit ‘upala’, which denotes a ‘precious stone’. This gem stimulates an individual to seek new experiences. One becomes more open to others and to our communal existence, and a sense of enthusiasm is generated. It has been determined that Tamashii® Deep Yellow Aobao may help us freely express our emotions, removing any negative feelings and inducing a sense of serenity within our soul. We reach a point where we observe the world from a new perspective and appreciate the good things in life.

It is known as Leopard Skin Jasper because the colour and aspect of the stone is reminiscent of the hide of a leopard. This gemstone symbolizes change, truth and progress. It is considered the ‘stone of resolution’ as it enables us to overcome unresolved emotional stress and return to a state of serenity. The Tamashii® Leopard Skin jewel will encourage reflection and stimulate one’s imagination; it also enhances communication and cohesion within a group.

Referring to its colour, the name of this gemstone derives from the Greek word ‘chloros’, which means ‘pale green’. Also known as Seraphinite, this jewel stimulates a desire to engage in meditation and prayer. It promotes serenity by helping an individual to become more clearly aware of their conflicts. The colour of this gem, generally symbolizing a sense of balance and harmony, may also be associated with the green aspect of Arya Tara, a very important deity within the sphere of Buddhism and the goddess of universal compassion.

Obsidian - or the ‘stone of Obsius’, the ancient Roman explorer who first discovered this natural volcanic glass in Ethiopia - is one of the oldest ‘cult stones’. It is usually black or very dark in appearance. The Mahogany Obsidian variant helps those who wear this jewel to restore their integrity, revealing the darker sides of their personality and inducing them to transform their inner nature. In this way an individual may become a spiritually free and invulnerable ‘unblemished warrior’.

The pink opal gemstone is a precious jewel traditionally held capable of attracting good fortune for those who wear it or carry it with them. The stone strengthens and reveals our true feelings. Tamashii® Pink Opal jewels help us in the process of recovering from past wounds and overcoming feelings of resentment and personal grudges. It draws us towards a state of serenity and a lighthearted approach to life. These stones are known to promote the spirit of brotherhood and a desire to work together with others in the name of a higher cause; they engender within us and will nurture a selfless, warm-hearted and generous spirit.

Il Calcedonio deve il suo nome all’antica città greca di Calcedonia sul Bosforo. In questa variante denominata Orchid Chalcedony rappresenta gli elementi aria e terra, è considerata la pietra degli oratori rappresenta la capacità di capire e quella di farsi capire. Il Tamashii® Orchid Chalcedony rafforza i propositi, rende flessibili ma non cedevoli.

Hawk's eye stone is an opaque variant of fibrous quartz, varying from blue-grey to blue-green. It is excellent for focus, mental clarity, and deeper insight into one’s own experiences, whether good or bad. It’s a very soothing stone as it aids stress reduction, increases calmness and eases anxiety.  It gives you the ability to see issues that might otherwise have been hard to see. Provides an introspective window into one's emotional issues and personal challenges. Hawk's eye is believed to be a stone of protection, often used by travellers.

Prehnite is commonly found in the Alps, as well as in China, Australia, the United States and South Africa, where it was discovered near the Cape of Good Hope in 1790 by Colonel Prehn who lent it its name. Enables the acceptance of the self and others, while it promotes being accommodating and the taking on of unpleasant truths. Prehnite Tamashii® make the individual able to accept the truth no matter how uncomfortable, consequently making their personality stronger. It encourages an analytical mind and the rapid development of concepts making the person more receptive and mindful.

Sun stone is brilliant orange-brown with a cat’s-eye characteristic that’s commonly found in India, Canada and Norway. It helps the individual to discover their true nature and as a consequence enjoy life and its ‘solar’ movements. It renews faith in the ability to be happy and in the positivity of fate. Sun Stone Tamashii® generate a joy for life, boost self-confidence and help the wearer to focus on positive events, by adopting a more optimistic view of life.

Green Dragon stone is a yellow jasper variant with green veins. It comes from northern India, promoting the establishment of a combative, tenacious character. Green Dragon Tamashii® strengthen integrity and honesty, while promoting the bravery to face unpleasant tasks. Boosts endurance and determination.

Radiance and brilliance, clarity and splendour are the meanings of the Tibetan word ‘Gzi’ (Dzi). Gzi stones are usually Agate treated with ancient techniques that represent the signs and symbols on their surfaces. Gzi Tamashii® express very powerful, ancestral concepts through their characteristic white segments alternating with the original, generally darker stone colour – a metaphor for our existence. In reality, our growth happens day after day, year after year and segment after segment. We follow the examples and treasure the good deeds of the people around us as well as learning from the less inspiring examples we see in the world around us.

New Orange Lace Agate is a particular version of Agate stone with an orange-yellow colour with irregular vein markings. These make each stone quite unique, and they are considered a metaphor to highlight the natural equality of all living beings. It promotes energy and vitality, agility and flexibility in both thinking and actions. New Orange Lace Agate Tamashii® convey idealism, pragmatism and the ability to socialise. They make the wearer settled and balanced, enabling them to see their lives objectively and leading them to make realistic evaluations of their lives.

Dream Stones are natural quartz in an array of colours and are in a variety of shades and tones, due to specific heat processing treatments. The name, Dream Stone, comes from their distinctive and highly unique colours, making them quite unique. Quartz featuring two tones of green is linked to balance, calmness and harmony.

Dream Stones are natural quartz in an array of colours and are in a variety of shades and tones, due to specific heat processing treatments. The name, Dream Stone, comes from their distinctive and highly unique colours, making them quite unique. Quartz with many shades of green and hints of red. These colours are associated with balance and calmness (green) as well as strength and a passionate nature (red).

Dream Stones are natural quartz in an array of colours and are in a variety of shades and tones, due to specific heat processing treatments. The name, Dream Stone, comes from their distinctive and highly unique colours, making them quite unique. Quartz featuring many shades of yellow and hints of violet. These colours are connected to humility and responsibility, and being grounded (yellow) alongside spiritual growth, reflective nature and awareness (violet).

Dream Stones are natural quartz in an array of colours and are in a variety of shades and tones, due to specific heat processing treatments. The name, Dream Stone, comes from their distinctive and highly unique colours, making them quite unique. Quartz with many shades of purple and hints of green – associated with reflection and introspection (purple) as well as balance and tranquillity (green).

A variety of Agate from the far north-east of China, specifically from Manchuria. Sky-blue in colour, it has slight white tones that evoke purity and proximity to the divine. It instils calm and peacefulness and engenders a peaceful temperament. The Tamashii® Blue Sky stone helps you maintain a profound sensitivity and integrity, while encouraging concentration on your goals.

A gemstone from Australia, also called the White Opal. The word “opal” shares common roots with the Sanskrit “ùpala”, which can be translated as “precious stone”, a meaning that highlights its importance and sacredness. There are many varieties, but this white version is traditionally said to bring peacefulness by dispelling the fear of darkness. The Tamashii® White Aobao makes you open-minded, alert and flexible, and helps you adapt to changing situations. It activates thinking, speaking and acting by promoting discussion and socialisation.

This unique variety of Jade has orange hues with yellow and white undertones and is extremely hard to find. It comes from China, where in ancient times it was regarded as the union between the living essences of heaven and earth, and was considered sacred. There is also an ancient proverb that went: “We can value gold, but jade is priceless”. Also known as the stone of purity, it has been claimed since antiquity to attract love and enhance the wearer’s charisma. This Tamashii®’s distinctive, sunny colour has a stimulating energy, which bestows a pleasant peacefulness.

The name Quartz comes from the Greek word “Krystallos Yalos”, meaning transparent crystal. It is found in nature in numerous colours and each one of them has a different name. Green Quartz is a low-cost stone which was well known and much used in the past. It instils mastery and encourages the wearer to overcome shyness, while also helping to dissipate anger and rage. The Tamashii® Green Quartz is perfect for curbing your impulsive side, should you have one, and helps to direct this great energy into something more useful.

This is a rather unusual variant of the classic Turquoise, which is more of a blue-green colour. For Tibetans, it represents the circle of life from birth to death. Both come from the same mines, but yellow turquoise used to be mined in smaller quantities than the classic turquoise, because it was considered a less prestigious grade. Yellow is also the symbol of Buddhist monks. The Tamashii® Yellow Turquoise calms the soul by transforming anger into wisdom. It provides balance, awareness and spiritual upliftment, as well as strengthening one's rootedness with the Earth.

A gemstone known since antiquity, it was already used in pre-Roman times for making amulets. In the Middle Ages, it was believed to be able to overcome fear. It is also well suited for meditative and spiritual experiences. The Tamashii® Serpentine encourages the wearer to seek solitude, in order to gain inner peace by boosting his or her self-esteem. It helps to reach amicable solutions in conflicts with others.