Out of stock Notifiy me Tamashii Mudra Black Cherry Agate NHS1500-157 € 89.00 The black cherry agate is a beautiful rare stone with very dark red and purple tones. These stones are often characterized by more or less strong dark green veining. Due to its polychromatic peculiarities this bracelet could be compared to the purple or green colors depending to the dominant color.
Out of stock Notifiy me Tamashii Mudra Striped Yellow Agate NHS1500-155 € 89.00 Yellow is one of five basic colors in Buddhism, represented from Buddha Ratnasambhava such a promoter of changing, where pride turns to wisdom of identity. This Tamashii favours awareness of one's being. The stripes confering unicity to each stone and they represent the basic equality between all the human beings.
Out of stock Notifiy me Tamashii Mudra Mixed Agate NHS1500-143 € 89.00 The agate name derives from greek "chatta", ancient name of the sicilian river Dirillo, very rich of this natural stone in ancient times.
Tamashii Mudra Striped Green Agate NHS1500-140 € 89.00 Agate in nature is present in different colorations among whose green that symbolize equilibrium and harmony, but also youthful vigor and action. Tamashii in green agate transforms jealousy in wisdom of realizazion. The stripes confering unicity to each stone and they represent the basic equality between all the human beings.
Out of stock Notifiy me Tamashii Mudra Striped Red Agate NHS1500-118 € 89.00 Red in Buddhism is the color of rituals and strong actions, passion, power and sacrum. Red Tamashii gives power, vigour, vitality, passion and indicates a wise person. The stripes confering unicity to each stone and they represent the basic equality between all the human beings.
HOT Tamashii Mudra Striped Brown Agate NHS1500-94 € 89.00 Brown agate is used to have success in any feat. It was appreciated in Italy and Persia as antidote against the evil eye. It's also a health talisman. The stripes confering unicity to each stone and they represent the basic equality between all the human beings.
Out of stock Notifiy me Tamashii Mudra Onyx Matt NHS1500-64 € 89.00 Black stone par excellence, the Onyx is utilized from combatants monks to instill courage and self-esteem. Black color for the Buddhism represents also the humans primordial darkness, hate and violence. Tamashii in black Onyx makes positive these forces, turning bad into well and hatred into compassion.
Out of stock Notifiy me Tamashii Mudra Green Apple Agate NHS1500-63 € 89.00 Stone with a color ranging from light green to dark green, enclosing all shades of green. Due to the meaning of green, it favors change, turning negative aspects such as jealousy and ambition into positive aspects such as the wisdom of realization.This Tamashii helps to follow ideal of success in a honest way.
Tamashii Mudra Carnelian NHS1500-19 € 89.00 Carnelian is a stone in shades yellow and bright red, the same colors that depict the Gautama Buddha. In tibetan culture it is synonimum of conservation of dynamic force made of usefulness (concreteness) and warmth (sentimentalism), for many aspects it's very close to the occidental happyness. Tamashii in carnelian represents vitality and happyness.
Tamashii Mudra Blue Agate NHS1500-18 € 89.00 Blue is the more important color in Buddhism, more than Gold. It represents the ascension, wisdom, true, devotion, faith, purity, castity, peace, the spiritual and intellectual way. Blue Tamashii is traditionally used to identify what is pure and rare. It calms rage turning it into wisdom.
HOT Tamashii Mudra Moss Agate NHS1500-17 € 89.00 Yellow-green natural stone tending to dark green and associated to the Buddha Amoghasiddhi that long for success, richness and power. Its multi-colored tones could represent ambition without competion and jealousy. This Tamashii turns the pride into wisdom of identity.
Tamashii Mudra White Agate NHS1500-14 € 89.00 White natural stone that represents purity, white as color of rest and meditation: in buddhism its Buddha is called Vairochana. Tamashii in white agate turns the illusion of ignorance into wisdom of truth.
Out of stock Notifiy me Tamashii Mudra Turquoise NHS1500-7 € 89.00 Natural stone colored in light blue tending to green, the turquoise combines the esoteric meaning of this two colors and it is utilized in the buddhist esotericism.Green for the buddhist represents the calm and blue represents the ascension and purity. The Tamashii in turquoise tranquilizes the spirit changing the rage in wisdom.
HOT Out of stock Notifiy me Tamashii Mudra Onyx NHS1500-1 € 89.00 Black stone par excellence, the Onyx is utilized from combatants monks to instill courage and self-esteem. Black color for the Buddhism represents also the humans primordial darkness, hate and violence. Tamashii in black Onyx makes positive these forces, turning bad into well and hatred into compassion.