Tamashii "Mudra"

Original Necklace Tamashii® Mudra - Natural Pearl

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TAMASHII® è un marchio registrato Aria Preziosa Srl

Code: NHS1500-179


Natural Pearls preserve the one who wears them and enable him to develop a stability of mood. They encourage work on the self for the purpose of strengthening loyalty and authenticity.

Original Tibetan Tamashii® Mudra long necklace made with Natural Pearl stones and brown cord.
Composed of 108 beads and central wooden Calabash.
Removable wooden side pendants with the Vajra (lightning bolt) to the Ghanta (bell) representing coexisting opposites: the Ghanta (Bell) is symbolic of the feminine side, the physical body, while the Vajra is of the masculine side, the mind.
Stone size: 6 mm 
Length of the necklace: 73 cm
One size fits all: the necklace is without a clasp so it slips on directly.

Each necklace is packaged inside the original Tamashii® packaging with declaration of authenticity and guarantee.

Tamashii® is a product made in Middle East (Himalaya area) according to ancient traditions, using supervised products, techniques and processes by Aria Preziosa.
Tamashii® brand is owned by Aria Preziosa srl.

All Tamashii® Jewels are handcrafted with natural stones and materials in compliance with rules related to the protection of people (Italian Decree 206-6/9/2005).
All the metals we use have a nickel content complying with the rule EN 1811:2011.

To view the legal guarantee in its entirety, please visit the specific web page.

Each Tamashii® product is made to last over time if all the basic use and maintenance suggestions are followed.

All the materials have natural origins, so their lifetime and characteristics are variable and unpredictable. Chemicals can modify and affect their appearance and durability, meaning that over time they can produce variations of the colours and polishes.

Some stones are naturally matte and we apply polish on them through a mechanical treatment. In the long term they can go back to their original aspect.

We recommend:
• avoid contact with make-up, creams, perfumes and chemicals
• don’t expose the products to chlorine, soaps or salt water
not to wear Tamashii® jewels while taking a bath or shower, in the swimming pool or during housecleaning

Download the updated Tamashii® Tibet brochure. You can easily consult the products and their meanings.


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